
In: Data_base tree structure->Isolated Points

Definition of isolated points is concentrated here. Since the isolated points are intended to be discrete points with only unclear relation to any particular structure, they have to be created directly in the PragTic environment. This can be done by click on the New command in the right-hand click popup menu on the Description item in the data_base tree structure. All created isolated points are preserved within the ISPOINT data_vector (this ID-name is reserved and cannot be changed). Any isolated point is defined by its ID-name (12 characters at most), its coordinates and by normal line vector to it (only surfacial points are expected for any fatigue analysis). As a new feature a relation to data_vectors in Properties section have to be stated for each of isolated points. The isolated points are defined in the default global cartesian system. The related coordinate system in Properties is reserved for description of coordinate system in which the results are given, but currently only the global cartesian system is expected.

Description: Mark - isolated point ID, Material - ID-number of material, LocProp - ID-number of properties of structure, CSRes - coordinate system used for results printout, X,Y,Z-COORDINATE - coordinates in the global coordinate system, NX, NY, NZ - normal line vector to the examined isolated point




data_base tree structure

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